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Photocopying or, in general, any copying, reproduction or sharing of all or part of the content of the works purchased on this site is strictly prohibited.
Each download has a visible and invisible double watermark of your name and your unique transaction identification code (UTI).
YOU ARE PERSONALLY ACCOUNTABLE FOR THESE TRACEABLE FILES, circulating them would expose you to legally and financially assuming an unmanageable number of illegal copies marked with your name.

You are authorized to use these purchased files for personal and private use, but it is strictly prohibited to reproduce them, even partially, or to distribute them, whether for compensation or for free.
You are also allowed to use them personally during public performances – including by broadcasting a recorded accompaniment – on the express condition that the title of the piece and the names of the composer/author, the arranger/translator, and of STRADIVARIUS Editions be mentioned on any program and any form of declaration of the public performance.


These works, as well as all data, information, icons, illustrations, etc. presented on this site are the exclusive property of the site administrator.
Only data and information concerning the works may be reproduced for the sole purpose of promoting them and on the express condition that an explicit link to the product page on this site appears on the same page to enable purchase.
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